10-to-1 Thursday

Throwback Thursday: when you could slap hands to tag your swolemate.

WORKOUT for Thursday 4/9/2020

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of
toes-to-bar/supported dragon flags

Do 30 double unders (or single unders or jumping squats or Penguin jumps) between rounds. Post times to comments!

2nd Serving: Need More Work? (Strength-Bias)

Choose loading that allows you to reach the prescribed amount of reps, with 2-5 reps in reserve.

5 rounds
10 Z-press
30 Chinese lat raise


150 banded bicep curls
150 banded step-ups (75 on one leg, then 75 on the other)
150 banded good mornings

HSPU Strength Ladder: E2MOM x 2 do 1-2-3-2-1

READ: Really Cool Handmade Parallettes – CrossFit
WATCH: Yesterday’s YOUTUBE LIVE workout:

3 replies
  1. Kaia (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
    Kaia (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ says:

    Time to g e t i t d o n e : 18:32, substituting jump-squats for double-unders

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