How many of you did the CrossFit Online Judges Course this year? Yes, we know it’s no longer required for many people unless your goal is to judge at the Regional (or higher) level.
The reason I ask that so many people take it is because it proves your training correct. It describes your CrossFit movement knowledge base and understanding the importance of standards. For many it improves their technique, or at least becomes a tool to help realize the mistakes made along with way.
>>>> Take the online Judges Course here.
+ 17.2 Hint – CrossFit Reddit
CrossFit WOD for Thursday 3/2
3 rounds
12 strict HSPU/Z-press
12 barbell bent-over row
1:30 rest
for time:
21 thrusters, 43/29kg
21 pullups
15 thrusters, 52/35kg
15 chest-to-bar pullups
9 thrusters, 61/43kg
9 bar muscle-ups
Post times to whiteboard.
HellaFit WOD
:40/:20 work/rest
Before continuing to next movement, restart the list at #1
1. jump rope
2. squat
3. push-up
4. YTW
5. RDL
6. jumping lunges
7. v-up
then: 80 KBS