Double Bear Sumo Dead
FCF at Kris Streeter’s stand up at The Highline this past Sunday night
+ CrossFit Games 2017 – Placements Infographic – imgur
CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 11/7
6 rounds for time:
50 double unders
40′ bear crawl
30 kettlebell SDHP, 32/24kg
Post time to whiteboard!
CompEx WOD – 6am
EMOM for 21 minutes:
– 3 strict muscle-ups
– 4 squat clean & jerks
– 5 HSPU
AMRAP in 7 minutes:
35 double unders
7 kettlebell overhead squats, 24/16kg
HIIT Class WOD – 12pm
Short Interval
:30 on/:10 off x 3
hi/lo plank
Side plank, L
side-to-side/archer pushups
Side plank, R
Russian twists
:40/:20 for 10:00
5 ladders
10 speed skater squats/side
15 mb squat thrust + wall chest pass
:45/:15 for 10:00
30 MB toe taps
20 MB s2s crunches
10 MB over-the-shoulder
HIIT Class WOD – 5:30pm
Kettlebell Rx Mobility
1)Waves- as a circled group
A) everyone holds hollow body
-one person at a time v-ups
10 rounds
B) everyone toe taps
-one person at a time burpees
10 rounds
C) everyone holds a bottom of squat
-one person stands at a time
10 rounds
Repeat ABC
2) Partner Work with Dynaball
4 rounds
1:00 side passes
1:00 sit-up throws
1:00 lunges with throws
1:00 rest
Gymnastics Strength WOD
10-to-1 pullups/dips or half-reps muscle-ups
banded skills
Foundations 10 WOD
EMOM for 15 minutes: 3-position pause snatch