Week of 10/1 to 10/6
Sore from last week? Those situps and lunges got me!
Foundation Barbell: Powerlifting Cycle 3, October Block, Week 2 PDF
Foundation Barbell: Olympic Weightlifting Cycle 3, October Block, Week 2 PDF
+ Why Eating Meat is Good For You – Chris Kresser
+ 16 CrossFit Athletes Over 50 Who Think Readers Digest is Full of Sh!t – Morning Chalk Up
+ Changes to 2019 Events, Publishes Quad Calendar – USA Weightlifting
Didn’t have any relevant conversations about stuff this week so here’s one I like
At home I enjoy making coffee through my AeroPress. It’s the closest thing to espresso (or cold brew) you can make if you have ground coffee/tea and hot water. No large machine necessary!
It’s superior to a french press for solo drinkers, and also fantastic for travel. The one thing I don’t like is that you use paper filters per use. Recently through Instagram I got to talking to one of the owners of Caffeine & Kilos and they mentioned that I should pickup a Fellow Prismo: it replaces the cap/filter portion of the AeroPress with a cleaner cap option and reusable stainless steel filter.
So good.
We’ll be sponsoring The OUTwod Power of Pride along with our friends at Rocket CrossFit, CrossFit LOFT, and FUELhouse Gym:
Check it out, save the date, call out a swole mate and register!