19:49:362017-07-18 18:02:16Twist of the Wrists
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Almost exactly a year ago!
First Friday is a little celebration we started back at CrossFit SLU when we wanted to celebrate life and training. It’s extended back to FCF and while we were hitting it hard for a while, it disappeared.
Well, it’s back!
– Athletes from 6am to 1pm expect some OJ, champagne for those of age, fruit, and other snacks!
– Athletes from 3:30pm expect some champagne, chips, and other snacks!
While we will try our best to provide for most, we’d like to see you guys bringing some stuff to share with your swolemates!
AMRAP in 30 minutes:
400m run
20 wall ball, 20/14#
10 dumbbell thrusters, 2x 40/25kg
AMRAP in 30 minutes:
400m run
20 wall ball, 14/8#
10 single dumbbell thrusters, 30/20#
AMRAP in 30 minutes:
400m run
20 wall ball, 20/14#
10 thrusters, 61/43kg
Post rounds completed to whiteboard!
Olympic Weightlifting WOD
Snatch heavy, clean & jerk heavy. Maybe set a new PR.
Kettlebell WOD – New Friday class!
Abridged Primal Movement Warmup and Mobility
Carries around the block (suitcase)
Because we will have limited space, we will be working on basic movements at higher volume. Larger helpings of swings, presses and squats are on the menu. Prepare to sweat! 16:36:062017-05-04 17:00:39May’s First Friday 20:57:352017-04-26 20:57:35Did You See?
The power position is not only used in the reception of the bar, but also on the way up (aka Position 3) to make sure you’re providing a vertical bar path and power the movement with the legs.
Great work this weekend with CGO 17.3! After Week 2 of the FCF Intramural Open our standings are: 1.) FLEX APPEAL, 2.) Thundercats, 3.) Blue Barracudas
Quick overview of this week’s training: bench presses, thruster/pullups, dip/kb swings/t2b/push press/burpees, DIANE, clean/ring row/slam ball, CGO 17.4, row/situps/double unders/wall ball, and Grayson’s SWAT GEAR SHUTTLE! Oooooh.