Day 5: Sarah (twice)

Sarah, when NOT pregnant.
Sarah’s Goals
Eat to fuel my body well, maintain a lean-ish composition, but not so strict that I cannot enjoy some alcohol or treat occasionally.
Sarah’s Nutrition
I’d say my nutrition is most similar to the paleo/ancestral protocol. Lots of veggies, eggs, healthy fats, some fruit and enough protein. Not a crazy amount of carbs. A little dairy. Grains like rice and quinoa every once in a while. I avoid empty carbs like bread, cereal, chips.
I eat when hunger ensues naturally. Hunger varies depending on activity level, so I try to follow my body’s signals and eat accordingly. Typically eat breakfast an hour or so after waking up, lunch, and dinner. Perhaps a snack, if necessary.
Eggs and avocado for breakfast, maybe with a small bowl of fruit. Lunch is usually a big salad with protein or leftovers from dinner the night before. Dinner is pretty simple: an animal protein, a giant salad and some veggies.
How much do I usually eat? Enough!
Sarah’s Favorite Foods
Eggs. Brisket. Wine. Instant pot soups and stews. Here’s one to try!
Sarah’s Kryptonite
Donuts and sour gummy candies. Sour straw bites are my favorite. It’s a problem! Limit myself to special occasions or weekends. I know they do not align with my goals and I feel better without them.
Sarah’s Hydration and Sleep
Definitely not enough water! I have a really hard time remembering to drink enough. I typically sleep from 10pm-7am. Like a rock.
How Sarah Thinks About Food, Health, and Training
I can quickly see improvements in my body composition and workout performance when I limit sugar, alcohol and garbage snacks. Thus, it reaffirms that nutrition plays a large role in my overall health.
Sarah, when pregnant. (oh PS, she’s pregnant y’all!)
Sarah’s Newer Goals
I’ve in to some cravings, but not all of them 😉 I also know that what I am eating doesn’t have a huge impact on my body composition, I am going to gain weight regardless!
Sarah’s Pregnancy Nutrition
Similarly to when I am not pregnant, I try to eat a lot of veggies (which can be a challenge at times) and enough protein. However, I eat a lot more carbs. So you’ll find cereal, bagels and bread in our kitchen, where typically those things aren’t around. I also want to make sure I include food groups like legumes and dairy, for a variety of nutrients and exposure.
Obviously I’m avoiding alcohol… and not as much caffeine :/
When I am hungry. Which feels often right now…lots of small snacks. Always carrying Larabars or Epic bars with me. When I am hungry at 10pm, I’ll eat some cereal.
Usually eggs and toast/cereal for breakfast. Mid-morning snack on the go. Soup or sandwich for lunch. Afternoon snack is usually an apple. Dinner is a palm size amount of protein, plus a couple bites more. Big salad. Veggies. Snack before bed if I am hungry.
Sarah’s Favorite Pregnancy Foods
Honey Nut Cheerios. Cheese and pickle sandwiches.
Still not enough water. If anyone has any ideas on how I can improve this, please share them with me! Sleep is 10pm-7am, but I wake up to use the bathroom sometime around 2-4am and it can be hard for me to fall back asleep.
Sarah’s Thoughts on Food and Pregnancy and Training
Well, I learned from my first pregnancy that I’m going to accumulate a lot of body fat during this time, which is healthy and normal, so being super strict with my diet isn’t for me. I want to eat a variety of whole foods to support a growing fetus, yet also enjoy a relaxed perspective on nutrition.
I have many years ahead of me to be cognizant of body composition and athletic performance!
– Tony and Ryan aka “Moonboots”
– Nathan and Kelsi
– Ron and Miles
– Scott and Dave
CrossFit WOD for Friday 2/7/2020
bench press 5-5-5-5-5, then
21-15-9 reps for time:
dumbbell hang squat clean, 2×50/35/20lbs
strict pullups
deficit pushups
Share time to whiteboard! Post-workout should be a chest stretch against a wall for 1:00/side.
READ: 10 Nutrition Myths That Need to Die – BarBend
My Thursday 2/6
7:45am wake (8.5hrs), 12oz water
8am two slices DKB with 2tbsp of Fatso peanut butter each, 12oz coffee
10am 12oz maple latte
11am 20oz tea
1pm Vitamin B w/ Folate shot at The Riveter, 12oz water
2pm 12oz decaf coffee, salad from Chopped: arugula + spinach + tomato + tangerines + cucumber + red pepper + balsamic vinaigrette, 2 caps of Nordic Naturals fish oil (1125epa/875dha each), 2 fig bars
8:30pm lobster and ricotta ravioli, spinach, tomato, white wine sauce, olive oil, 12oz Ginger Ale Zevia
4-7pm random bodybuilding sets (for elbow flexion, extension)
10pm 16oz tea
11:15pm sleep
Hydration total: 60oz water/tea
Coffee total: 36oz (!)
“Cheese and pickle sandwiches” I… wow. Kinda curious now
Thursday 2/6
10 AM – banana, bean burrito, bagel, americano with half and half
12 PM – Vitamin C fruit smoothie, black tea
3 PM – energy protein/fat bar
6 PM – almond milk with whey protein, banana, 2 cups rice
7 PM – cauliflower, broccoli, chicken
11 PM – Jack in the Box burger and curly fries (OOPS)
This is my Friday and I think it’s the wrong place to put it but I didn’t see another and don’t want to forget. So here we go!
Congratulations Sarah!
B: half a gross airport bagel and cream cheese, a green machine, coffee
L: Alaska Airlines Northwest Deli lunchbox thing.
D: 1/2 pita with hummus, eggplant and feta dip. Fancy restaurant cheeseburger. A few fries. A stout beer.
At least I didn’t snack!
Friday 2/7
More detailed journal on MyFitnessPal. @sarahbr11
(6am CrossFit)
7:30an: oat protein shake and finished 24 oz H2O 290 kcal
12pm: cold brew coffee with creamer 35 kcal.
4:30pm: cod, peas, and an avocado
…And then I had horrible food poisoning from 7pm-3am. I felt so ill. I managed to drink a ginger ale and eat 3/4 a package of gummy bears. It was all I could manage. Throughout the day I had 40 oz H2O as well. Still super dehydrated. 🙁
Daily total: 1392 kcal
Day 4 – rest day
4 eggs, gluten free pumpkin spiced pancakes, bowl goat yogurt, 2 grips blue berries, kid squezzy
Geraldines mixed salad with nonripe pear, badly made parm crisps
To make really good parm crisps, take microplane and grate 90g parm from wedge, do not use preground. Lightly push grated parm through fine mesh screen, mix in 10g AP flour. Take mix put back into mesh screen and tap over already hot pan, it will sizzle, bake till golden.
What Geraldine did: used bigger grater, on of those 4 sided pieces of junk, then took grated parm and pulsed in a robotcoup. Took mixture with all the uneven grounds and sprinkled on half sheet pan and baked. You can see it by the unevenness of the crisp, it’s also more melted cheese and resembles molten snot. Amateur.
Coffee, stale hashbrowns, 3 slice bacon.
5 shots well tequila, 2 tall boy rainer
86 cafe presse
6am workout + water
8am breakfast: 2 eggs
Mid-morning: peanut butter, hot chocolate kryptonite, protein drink
Lunchtime: You know when leftovers seem *too* leftover? That was my lentils, yellow peppers, and spaghetti squash lunch today. So only had a couple bites before composting.
2nd lunch: Grilled Kim-Cheese and side salad from Broadfork, a vegan spot at the corner of Denny and QA Ave. I definitely recommend if you’re looking for an unassuming and non-preachy vegan spot 👌 Been a couple times with coworkers and one swears by their Macro Bowl.
Late afternoon: peanut butter, granola bar, la croix.
Post-holiday party: hot toddy, mini bratwurst, dark beer. Homemade red pepper soup at nearly 11pm…
My goal for Feb was to cut out eating sweets at work. Two things I know about myself: 1) I eat when I’m stressed (i.e. a lot of the time at work) and 2) I’m an abstainer, so I either eat none of a thing or ALL of the thing. And with stashes of candy all around the office, it can be a test of wills. So far, 5 days strong. Despite extra temptation in the form of multiple options for doughnuts on Friday (good thing I don’t really like them) and decent chocolate from a vendor, I am still on track. What’s been surprising is how hungry I’ve been all week. I knew I was grazing, but I didn’t realize it was *that* much. On Thursday I stocked my desk with a few protein bars and a jar of cashews, so I have healthier snack options over peanut M&Ms and crappy instant cocoa. Also a chai tea that tastes sweet without actually being sweetened, which seems to be a good trick for my brain.
Friday 2/7
Coffee w/cream
Early: Bagel w/cream cheese, tangerine, decaf early grey tea
B: eggs & avocado, shared with small human
1/2 larabar
L: beef stew, a little quinoa, bites of cheese
Gf crackers and cottage cheese
Non-alcoholic spritz at FCF party, mineral water
D(late): panang curry with chicken, white rice, 2 spring rolls
Sour gummy candies