Tag Archive for: Muscle Car

Coach Sarah

If you didn’t already see our weekly email here’s our schedule this week:

Also if you didn’t see our IG Live Q&A we have a ton planned for release on our social channels, thanks to you all and your continued support.

WORKOUT for Monday 4/20/2020 (LIGHT UP!)

Use this clock!

every minute on the minute for 30 minutes:
– Min 1: 9 burpees
– Min 2: 12 weighted step ups
– Min 3: 15 single arm push press (alternating sides each round)
– Min 4: 18 jumping lunges
– Min 5: 21 Russian KB swings

every minute on the minute for 30 minutes:
– Min 1: 9 step up burpees
– Min 2: 12 weighted step ups
– Min 3: 15 single arm push press (alternating sides each round)
– Min 4: 18 weighted lunges
– Min 5: 21 Russian KB swings

Using a bag or backpack with books or cans of food:
every minute on the minute for 30 minutes:
– Min 1: 9 burpees
– Min 2: 12 jumping air squats
– Min 3: 15 push press (alternating sides each round)
– Min 4: 18 weighted lunges
– Min 5: 21 Russian KB swings or SDHP, depending on the complexity of the weighted implement

Post your score to comments!

2nd Serving – Need More Work? (-Bias)

If you didn’t do yesterday’s 5k for time, do that instead. Our every-other-day-Endurance-bias-work will train specifically to improve your 5k time. You can adapt this into rowing and skiing as well.

  • Walk two to three minutes to pre-warm your body.
  • Run 10 minutes at an easy effort to warm up.
  • Run 8 x 1 minute at a hard but controlled effort in the red zone (see chart below).
  • Follow every minute of hard running with one minute walking to catch your breath and recover.
  • Cool down by running five minutes at an easy effort and walking three minutes.

HSPU Strength Ladder: every minute on the minute x 4 do 1-2-1 reps

READ: Some Thoughts About COVID-19 and Weightlifting – Catalyst Athletics

Coach Sarah

All the coaches’ answers in the comments!

CrossFit WOD for Monday 3/2/2020

3 rounds of
  250m row/ski
  15 kettlebell swings, 32/24/16kg
  20 burpees
  15 kettlebell swings, 32/24/16kg
  250m row/ski
  7:00 rest

Post total time to whiteboard. Post workout will be a general stretching flow led by the coach!

READ: $1 Million in Payouts Already Earned This Season – Morning Chalk Up

Leta & Sarah

Sarah, when NOT pregnant.

Sarah’s Goals
Eat to fuel my body well, maintain a lean-ish composition, but not so strict that I cannot enjoy some alcohol or treat occasionally.

Sarah’s Nutrition
I’d say my nutrition is most similar to the paleo/ancestral protocol. Lots of veggies, eggs, healthy fats, some fruit and enough protein. Not a crazy amount of carbs. A little dairy. Grains like rice and quinoa every once in a while. I avoid empty carbs like bread, cereal, chips.

I eat when hunger ensues naturally. Hunger varies depending on activity level, so I try to follow my body’s signals and eat accordingly. Typically eat breakfast an hour or so after waking up, lunch, and dinner. Perhaps a snack, if necessary.

Eggs and avocado for breakfast, maybe with a small bowl of fruit. Lunch is usually a big salad with protein or leftovers from dinner the night before. Dinner is pretty simple: an animal protein, a giant salad and some veggies.

How much do I usually eat? Enough!

Sarah’s Favorite Foods
Eggs. Brisket. Wine. Instant pot soups and stews. Here’s one to try!  

Sarah’s Kryptonite
Donuts and sour gummy candies. Sour straw bites are my favorite. It’s a problem! Limit myself to special occasions or weekends. I know they do not align with my goals and I feel better without them.

Sarah’s Hydration and Sleep
Definitely not enough water! I have a really hard time remembering to drink enough. I typically sleep from 10pm-7am. Like a rock. 

How Sarah Thinks About Food, Health, and Training
I can quickly see improvements in my body composition and workout performance when I limit sugar, alcohol and garbage snacks. Thus, it reaffirms that nutrition plays a large role in my overall health. 

Sarah, when pregnant. (oh PS, she’s pregnant y’all!)

Sarah’s Newer Goals
I’ve in to some cravings, but not all of them 😉 I also know that what I am eating doesn’t have a huge impact on my body composition, I am going to gain weight regardless!

Sarah’s Pregnancy Nutrition
Similarly to when I am not pregnant, I try to eat a lot of veggies (which can be a challenge at times) and enough protein. However, I eat a lot more carbs. So you’ll find cereal, bagels and bread in our kitchen, where typically those things aren’t around. I also want to make sure I include food groups like legumes and dairy, for a variety of nutrients and exposure. 

Obviously I’m avoiding alcohol… and not as much caffeine :/

When I am hungry. Which feels often right now…lots of small snacks. Always carrying Larabars or Epic bars with me. When I am hungry at 10pm, I’ll eat some cereal. 

Usually eggs and toast/cereal for breakfast. Mid-morning snack on the go. Soup or sandwich for lunch. Afternoon snack is usually an apple. Dinner is a palm size amount of protein, plus a couple bites more. Big salad. Veggies. Snack before bed if I am hungry. 

Sarah’s Favorite Pregnancy Foods
Honey Nut Cheerios. Cheese and pickle sandwiches.

Still not enough water. If anyone has any ideas on how I can improve this, please share them with me! Sleep is 10pm-7am, but I wake up to use the bathroom sometime around 2-4am and it can be hard for me to fall back asleep.

Sarah’s Thoughts on Food and Pregnancy and Training
Well, I learned from my first pregnancy that I’m going to accumulate a lot of body fat during this time, which is healthy and normal, so being super strict with my diet isn’t for me. I want to eat a variety of whole foods to support a growing fetus, yet also enjoy a relaxed perspective on nutrition.

I have many years ahead of me to be cognizant of body composition and athletic performance!

Tony and Ryan aka “Moonboots”
Nathan and Kelsi
Ron and Miles
Scott and Dave

CrossFit WOD for Friday 2/7/2020

bench press 5-5-5-5-5, then

21-15-9 reps for time:
dumbbell hang squat clean, 2×50/35/20lbs
strict pullups
deficit pushups

Share time to whiteboard! Post-workout should be a chest stretch against a wall for 1:00/side.

READ: 10 Nutrition Myths That Need to Die – BarBend

I know that you’re thinking ahead like us, so just to let you know what’s happening Thanksgiving weekend, we’re running Holiday Hours: 9am, 10am, and 11am CrossFit classes only. No specialty classes and no Guided Training due to staff availability.

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 11/21

3 rounds for max total reps:
 1:00 wall ball, 20lbs to 10’/14lbs to 9′
 1:00 kettlebell sumo deadlift high pull, 32/24kg
 1:00 box jump, 24/20″
 1:00 push press, 35/25kg
 1:00 calorie row
1:00 rest

Post score to whiteboard!

READ: Mat Fraser Gets New Chest Piece! – Macko Tattoo
WATCH: Good Sleep Starts During the Day

Coach Sarah and Colin finally welcomed their baby into the world on Monday, sharing a birthday with Coach Andrew! From the new mama bear:

Colin and I welcomed our baby girl into the world last night!

Leta (pronounced lee-tah) Dean Bleckner was born at 9:34pm, 6 lbs 10.8oz and 19.25 inches long. She came out with her eyes open and pooping!

Labor was long and the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but pushing was a breeze 😉

Thank you all for your love and support 💕

We wish them much happiness with the growth of the family and hope to see them back in FCF soon!

Coach Sarah carefully watching an early class last week

Today is Sarah’s birthday so she wanted the workout you guys are doing today! Move fast, keep up the intensity, and you too can become a MUSCLE-CAR!


+ Foundation Barbell – Powerlifting Cycle #2 – FCF
+ CrossFit Games Athletes React to Ricky Garard Taking PEDs – Morning Chalk Up

CrossFit WOD for Thursday 10/5


31 rounds for time:
2 (strict) pullups
4 burpees
6 alternating reverse lunges

Once the 31 round are completed do max effort air squats until the last person finishes or time cap. Time cap is 31 minutes.

Post time and air squat score to whiteboard

HellaFit WOD

Our take on bootcamp workouts, this class challenges you for the entire hour with a blend of strength and conditioning that works all the major muscle groups and focuses on functional movement. HellaFit will get you #hellasweaty while having #hellafun!

Why do I celebrate PRIDE?

I am passionate about our incredible gym family and I want to nurture the diversity, inclusion and equality that makes us our community so special. It’s important to me that our gym is safe, welcoming and respectful to all who come in. Pride Month is an opportunity to show my support for the LGBTQ community and explore new ways in which I can advocate for LGBTQ rights. As one of your coaches, I try my best to show my advocacy of LGBTQ issues through participation in events and through my words and actions. For me, it’s not enough to say that I believe in equality for all. I’ve made changes in my everyday life, like using language that promotes inclusivity (15kg bar vs. “women’s bar”) and taking a stand (and engaging in discussion) when I hear anti-LGBTQ slurs and remarks made.

Pick up a #LiftHeavyLoveStrong rubber wristband at the gym- we’ll be handing these out at the parade

If you identify as a straight ally for equality, I encourage you to check out some ways you can become active in creating a community (and world!) where diversity is the norm and all people have access to equal rights. It’s important to voice our advocacy for our fellow gym-mates, friends, family, coworkers and even those whom we aren’t close with. Don’t be afraid to speak up and come out!

Pride Parade is a great way to show your support, I’ll see you there!

Use your lats when you hang! Think about pushing your hands down into the bar (with straight arms), or by trying to bend/break the bar with your hands, elbows, and shoulders.

CrossFit WOD for Tuesday 6/6

EMOM for 8 minutes: 3 touch & go power snatches, ascending weight

2 rounds for time:
50 wall balls
50 toes-to-bar

Post time to whiteboard!

Gymnastics Strength WOD

ankle prep and pistols, muscle-up positional strength development

Endurance WOD

Short Interval: 2 rounds
– 5x 100m run
– 4x 200m run
– rest 1:1 between efforts

CompEx WOD (6am)

tabata flutter kicks, dumbbell back ext + row, YGIG back squats for 10 minutes


21-15-9 reps for time:
power clean, 61/43kg
ring dips

3-5 rounds:
30 UB double unders
30 UB situps

3 pausing TGU/side

Our special edition 2017 FCF PRIDE shirt pre-order closes after the weekend! Make sure you don’t miss out on choosing the color/style shirt you want!


+ According to Donald Trump Jr., Donald Trump Jr. Is a World-Class CrossFit Athlete – Deadspin

CrossFit WOD for Friday 6/2


9 rounds for time with a partner of:
9 bar muscle-ups
11 clean & jerks, 70/50kg
50m buddy carry

Olympic Weightlifting WOD

2-position snatch, 2-position clean, alternating push press, abs, back, obliques

Gymnastics Strength WOD


Kettlebell WOD

– Abridged Primal Movement Warmup and Mobility
– Carries