Please mark your calendars for Thursday at 6:30pm PST for a TOWN HALL MEETING. Tony and I will be discussing our next steps and fill you in our decision process.
WORKOUT for Wednesday 6/10/2020
On a running clock
From 0:00-7:00 do 3 rounds
20 jumping lunges
20 backpack ground-to-overhead
From 7:00-14:00 do 3 rounds
20 jumping lunges
20 backpack ground-to-shoulder
From 14:00+ do 3 rounds
20 jumping lunges
20 backpack thruster
EQUIPPED OPTION (Dumbbell is ideally 50/35/20lbs. Kettlebell would be 24/16/12kg)
On a running clock
From 0:00-7:00 do 3 rounds
20 jumping lunges
20 single-arm snatch
From 7:00-14:00 do 3 rounds
20 jumping lunges
20 single-arm power clean
From 14:00+ do 3 rounds
20 jumping lunges
20 single-arm thrusters
Post times and weight used to comments. Compare to 21MAR2020
Reflect on the actions you take that actually positively affect the lives of Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC). Have you weaponized your privilege?
work for 20:00, ensuring this is done as an unbroken complex
6 snatch-grip upright row
6 snatch high pull
6 behind-the-neck thruster
6 good morning
6 bent-over row
HSPU Strength Ladder: every 2:00 on the minute x3 do 1-2-3-2-1 reps
(via Scott) The prison/jailing system is one of the most harmful ways that oppresses minorities, who often come from lower income areas and are unable to legally fight for themselves in court. There is a disproportionate number of minorities who are both arrested and in jail because they are targeted through the racially biased justice system. When they are wrongfully targeted or arrested, they often have no means of speaking out or getting help and wind up “in the system” which just furthers the problem. Specifically, our bail process is one of the first layers we can address to help those who have been racially targeted. If we can reduce the number of minorities wrongfully convicted, then we can hope to give them a better chance at life by allowing them to stay “out of the system,” getting and holding better jobs, and leading a better quality life.
5 cycles of the following complex. Use a barbell, dumbbells, or kettlebells. Once you start the sequence go all the way through without rest. Catch your breath and recharge before going again
5 high pull
5 hang power clean
5 front squat
5 strict press
5 back squat
5 good morning
HSPU Strength Ladder: complete 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 once
We know many of you can’t make Dave’s IG Live cooking shows, and that a number of you have asked to somehow make it accessible after the fact. Well here’s our short-form version of that. It premieres at 1pm on our YouTube.
Notes: Use a broom stick, shirt/jacket, really anything that allows you a wide overhead position to challenge the overhead squat today. If the overhead position is difficult to do mobility-wise then front or back squatting is fine. Weighted situp with whatever you’re doing your squats with.
Cash-out:We encourage you to get involved in ways that will effect a sustained change against systemic racism and discrimination.
Rentals still going strong (and we’ve got rental reservations available on the weekends) so come on by wearing a face mask and trade some equipment some 6’+ away from us.
every minute on the minute do 1 burpee, then nasal breathing until the next minute. On that next minute add an additional burpee to total you owe. Example: for the 1st minute you do 1 burpee, 2nd minute you’d do 2 burpees, 3rd minute you’d do 3 burpees, etc.
Continue until you cannot complete the required work in time.
CASH-OUT with a donation to organizations and causes committed to fighting for racial justice. We like this one, for starters, but of course you can support the causes you feel you need to. If you can’t donate money, donate time to organizations who need it. Show up and help supply protesters with food and water. Write your representatives. Check in on your black friends, family, and co-workers. Have those difficult conversations with friends and family who disagree that Black Lives Matter. Register to Vote if you haven’t. Get other people registered to vote. Research what you can and take action now.
Post scores to comments. Email us your donation receipt and FCF will match it.
Let’s f*cking go!
– Equipped? You can do this with any kettlebell/dumbbell/barbell movement as you please. Snatches, power cleans, etc.
– The idea was sparked by @BlackPowerCleans on instagram. Many FCF athletes tagged us in it. With accessibility to equipment being so limited we wanted a version where no one had excuses.
– Do this as a silent workout. It’s been an emotional week for many- this may be an emotional workout. Consider this another moment of silence (especially in our peaceful protest) to the many Black Lives lost.
– It will also allow for a reflection in silence of what all is happening around us: racial change/COVID-19/and the ever-changing world around us.
READ: Black Squares Don’t Save Black Lives – HyperAllergic WATCH: Went live yesterday with a bodyweight workout you can keep in your back pocket. Mad because our first attempt at the stream mysteriously violated the YouTube terms of service somehow.
(Idea taken from @BlackPowerCleans. We will write out a special workout for tomorrow to perform in solidarity.)
2nd Serving- Need More Work? (Stamina-Bias)
5:00 AMRAP of power snatches, immediately into
4:00 AMRAP of power cleans, immediately into
3:00 AMRAP of shoulder-to-overhead, immediately into
2:00 AMRAP of deadlifts
Notes: We want you do get comfortable with the coordination involved in this particular movement. Jumping jacks for conditioning- and I believe that many of you have never actually tried doing jumping jacks in a WOD. Let’s check that box today. If you want to beat the time cap, you’ll have to PUSH IT.
Equipped? Go for a 50/35/20lbs dumbbell or a 20/16/8kg kettlebell.
HSPU Strength Ladder: every 2:00 x3 do 1-2-3-2-1
READ: Our Commitment to an Inclusive Region – Seattle Chamber of Commerce WATCH: We are turning our 8am Wednesday stretch class into multiple videos accessible to members throughout the week so you have a mobility protocol to do if you want to focus on improving your flexibility. Here’s the first one of June on us!
If you didn’t notice, we’re going to take a break on our regular social media postings for the week. You’ll still get all the fitness-related things from us here and on our youtube.
Did you know: We added a 6:30pm HIIT class for tonight!
WORKOUT for Wednesday 6/3/2020
3 rounds for max total reps
:40 of front lunges, :20 rest
:40 of v-ups, :20 rest
:40 of jumping lunges, :20 rest
:40 of weighted situps, :20 rest
:40 of goblet squats, :20 rest
2:00 rest
As there is quite a lot of rest in this workout the idea is to keep the intensity high. It’s as if we doubled a normal tabata interval for longer sets but also longer rests. Remember: tabata is supposed to be true full work the entire interval, no stopping early & no pacing for maximum benefit.
Partially/Full Equipped? Front squat should be a light bar (think 43/29/20kg), weighted situp should be 20/15/10kg on your chest, and the goblet squat would be your go-to kettlebell weight (24/16/12kg?). Can obviously be done with a lighter odd-object if necessary.
2nd Serving- Need More Work?
every minute on the minute for 30:00 do one snatch
If you have a barbell and weights, this is an opportunity to focus on your power and technique PER rep. Quality over quantity here. If you are doing this with bells or an odd-object you can think of the same goals, but maybe do 2-3 reps per side each time.
HSPU Strength Ladder: complete one round of 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 reps
b. 2-4-6-8-10-etc
one-arm Devil’s Press
weighted step-up/side
Rounds 1&3 do A, Round 2&4 do B.
Use this timer! Post weights and heights used to comments! Want a workout prep video? RSVP here.
Today’s workout is about switching gears and continuing to push the intensity if possible. Weight and height don’t matter, but movement quality and quantity do.
KINDA/FULLY EQUIPPED? Don’t use a jump rope today- I’d like for you to intentionally stick with Penguin Jumps. Step up at least 20″ if possible. Bent-over row done with a light-medium band or weight. Devil’s Press is more about carrying something through range- the loading doesn’t matter. You can try a water bottle.
QUIET NEIGHBOR OPTION: The step burpee means you’ll step back into a plank, do the most-strict pushup you can muster, step forward to a standing position, then finish with a calf raise with your arms overhead.
2nd Serving- Need More Work? (Endurance-Bias)
a. 600-400-200-400-600m @ 80% effort, resting 4:00 between, then
b. 4x100m @ 90% effort, resting 3:00 between
c. Cool down with an 800m jog
HSPU Strength Ladder: complete the follow sets of reps 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 just one time through